Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wishing For...LOST CRATES

A new addition to the top of my "If I Had a Very Rich Boyfriend I Would Ask Him For..." list*:

Lost Crates offers a subscription service in which they send you a monthly parcel of stationery goods!

They have a brief "Personality Quiz" to assess your tastes - which is mercifully short, unlike the SAT-length form you need to fill out for eHarmony** - although there is some potential for errors. The choices for each question are limited, and some of them I can't really tell what they are (i.e. In the food question Is that a hamburger, or a veggie burger? Why isn't there a chicken option?).

Maybe I'm just being silly. Can one really expect web-based business' customer service department to really know what one wants? And yet I like the idea that there may be someone out there putting a box together thinking, "Oh, she'll LOVE this!"

If I had $38 USD per month to spend on it, I would love to receive a package or 12 from this company.

However, I just noticed now that those of us who live outside the USA need not apply. They do not offer International Shipping as yet. (Insert my standard rant about the North American Free Trade Agreement and how it doesn't work when Canadians want to buy something online here.)

Still, if any of you decide to try it, I would love to see photos of the stationery you receive!

I found out about Lost Crates via Notebook Stories. There's a giveaway there, if you'd like to throw your name in!


*I do not actually keep such a list. (Maybe I should? No. I'm kidding.)
**Yes, I once tried to complete the eHarmony questionnaire, but I gave up less than halfway through out of sheer boredom.

Friday, August 5, 2011

That's 1 post per month now! At least I'm more active here than on LiveJournal.

I wanted to tell you about another lovely giveaway by Notebook Stories. One of Nifty's devotees has sent her a pile of random notebooks and they are really cool!

I'm especially intrigued by the Levenger Circa system that's in the pile there. (They are the chunk of pages in the top photo that appear in layers of white, lavender, green, cream, yellow and blue). I've never used the Circa notebooks, but I love the coloured pages and the idea of a modular system. Have you used Circa before?

A woman after my own heart, Anene (the generous donor of these lovely notebooks) is quoted as saying, "I share your addiction. And if I send you my duplicates…I’ll be able to go out, guilt-free and buy more!"

I need to have lots of friends like this. Maybe I could start a community of notebook nuts* and we can swap and share notebooks/sketchbooks/journals as we go crazy buying all the different styles we see.

*There has to be a much better name than "notebook nuts". I'll work on that.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yet more notebooks?

Although I am trying to be good about not spending too much money, I did pick up another two notebooks on a recent trip to Michaels.

Michaels has a series of "impulse buy" bins all along the route to the cash registers. They have cleverly designed the store so that you can't actually leave without passing at least some of these bins.

The books I bought were $1.50 (I'll spare you the part where I justify purchasing more notebooks because they were inexpensive). Both are Michaels' own brand, and have pink stripes on them. Both have 6 pages each. They aren't exactly alike, though. One notebook is wire-bound, and has pink and white stripes with a little green sea turtle on the front cover, and a circular blue stamp like a post office stamp that would tell you the date and city a letter came from.

The other is a composition-style notebook with a pink spine and alternating pink, lime green, blue, white, and black horizontal stripes.

Yes, you're right. Photos would be nice. I've just got to get a camera...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Day, another Notebook!

I think my last post was something similar - A review and giveaway by Notebook Stories.

Today, Nifty is giving away a Rubberband notebook. Check out her post about it here.

I can't decide which one I like better: the Rubberband planner, or the notebook with the orange pages!

Orange is my favourite colour, but then a planner seems more practical...Then again I already have 3 planners for this year, one of which is a Moleskine...I still think the planner wins in my opinion. It's a sickness I have.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I'm reading these days...

Do any of you read the Notebook Stories blog? It's my new favourite blog, and there are plenty of photos and reviews of notebooks for us to feast our eyes on. I also really like the Notebook Addict of the Week posts. One of these days I'll get up the nerve to photograph all the notebooks (both full and blank) that I have and submit them for Nifty's consideration.

I found Notebook Stories through another blog, Kristin Donovan's Journaling Saves. I love them both - and please take the time to watch Kristin's video where she shows off her collection and talks about her favourite books to write in.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I should probably think about going to bed now.
